quotations about writing

I think a writer's job is to provoke questions. I like to think that if someone's read a book of mine, they've had--I don't know what--the literary equivalent of a shower. Something that would start them thinking in a slightly different way perhaps. That's what I think writers are for. This is what our function is.


The Paris Review, spring 1988

I, even now, persist in believing that these black marks on white paper bear the greatest significance, that if I keep writing I might be able to catch the rainbow of consciousness in a jar.



Tags: Jeffrey Eugenides

It is because we have had such great writers in the past that a writer is driven far out past where he can go, out to where no one can help him.


Nobel Prize speech, December 10, 1954

I think without writing I would feel completely useless.


The Observer, March 20, 2010

Tags: Sam Shepard

Think what it would mean if you could teach, or if you could learn the art of writing. Why, every book, every newspaper you'd pick up, would tell the truth, or create beauty. But there is, it would appear, some obstacle in the way, some hindrance to the teaching of words. For though at this moment at least a hundred professors are lecturing on the literature of the past, at least a thousand critics are reviewing the literature of the present, and hundreds upon hundreds of young men and women are passing examinations in English literature with the utmost credit, still -- do we write better, do we read better than we read and wrote four hundred years ago when we were un-lectured, un-criticized, untaught?


"Words Fail Me", BBC radio, April 29, 1937

Tags: Virginia Woolf

Writing is a job, a talent, but it's also the place to go in your head. It is the imaginary friend you drink your tea with in the afternoon.


Truth and Beauty

Tags: Ann Patchett

The factors controlling a writer's popularity are as mysterious and ultimately as unknowable as the number of stars in the sky.


interview, SF Site, April 2001

Tags: Samuel R. Delany

If you're writing about a character, if he's a powerful character, unless you give him vulnerability I don't think he'll be as interesting to the reader.


interview, March 13, 2006

Tags: Stan Lee

Writing is a kind of centering, a kind of meditation. I find it to be profoundly rewarding. Actually, I'm an addict. If I go too long, and so far that hasn't been longer than a week, I start to feel unsettled, nervous. I begin to feel that I'm not engaged, a disconnection is threatening my world, that I'm being passed by and I'm both failing myself and the world by not writing about it.


"An interview with Walter Bargen, first poet laureate of Missouri"

Tags: Walter Bargen

How hard is the destiny of a maker of books! He has to cut and sew up in order to make ideas follow logically. But when one writes a book on reverie, has the time not come to let the pen run, to let reverie speak, and better yet to dream the reverie at the same time one believes he is transcribing it?


The Poetics of Reverie: Childhood, Language, and the Cosmos

Tags: Gaston Bachelard

Some people talk to themselves, and some people write, and somehow society has decided that one gets committed and one gets a paycheck.


official website

Tags: Bob Lonsberry

With pen and with pencil we're learning to say
Nothing, more cleverly every day.



Tags: William Allingham

The first forms of writing emerged not for art, literature, or love, not for spiritual or liturgical purposes, but for business--all literature could be said to originate from sales receipts (sorry).


The Organized Mind

Tags: Daniel J. Levitin

I try to write every day. I used to try to write four times a day, minimum of three sentences each time. It doesn't sound like much but it's kinda like the hare and the tortoise. If you try that several times a day you're going to do more than three sentences, one of them is going to catch on. You're going to say "Oh boy!" and then you just write. You fill up the page and the next page. But you have a certain minimum so that at the end of the day, you can say "Hey I wrote four times today, three sentences, a dozen sentences. Each sentence is maybe twenty word long. That's 240 words which is a page of copy, so at least I didn't goof off completely today. I got a page for my efforts and tomorrow it might be easier because I've moved as far as I have."


interview, Phlogiston, 1995

I write from a thorough conviction that it is the duty of me, and with the belief that, after every drawback and shortcoming, I do my best, all things considered--that is for me, and, so being, the not being listened to by one human creature would, I hope, in nowise affect me.


letter to Elizabeth Barrett, February 11, 1845

Tags: Robert Browning

You keep working on your piece over and over, trying to get the sections and paragraphs and sentences and the whole just right, but there's a point at which you can tell you've begun hurting the work with your perfectionism. Then you have to release the work to new eyes.


"Q&A: Anne Lamott", San Diego Magazine, January 27, 2014

Tags: Anne Lamott

If, while observing the boundless universe, the writer is able to scrutinise his own self as well as others, the resulting incisiveness of his observations will far surpass objective descriptions of reality.


"Literature as Testimony: The Search for Truth", Witness Literature: Proceedings of the Nobel Centennial Symposium

Tags: Gao Xingjian

Fiction is the only way to redeem the formlessness of life.



A lot of novelists start late--Conrad, Pirandello, even Mark Twain. When you're young, chess is all right, and music and poetry. But novel-writing is something else. It has to be learned, but it can't be taught. This bunkum and stinkum of college creative writing courses! The academics don't know that the only thing you can do for someone who wants to write is to buy him a typewriter.


The Paris Review, spring-summer 1978

Tags: James M. Cain

"Writing" is the Latin of our times. The modern language of the people is video and sound.


Wikimania 2006

Tags: Lawrence Lessig