quotations about writing
Work on good prose has three steps: a musical stage when it is composed, an architectonic one when it is built, and a textile one when it is woven.
One-Way Street
Writers cannot let themselves be servants of the official mythology. They have to, whatever the cost, say what truth they have to say.
Continuum, summer 1998
In the very act of writing I felt pleased with what I did. There was the pleasure of having words come to me, and the pleasure of ordering them, re-ordering them, weighing one against another. Pleasure also in the imagination of the story, the feeling that it could mean something. Mostly I was glad to find out that I could write at all. In writing you work toward a result you won't see for years, and can't be sure you'll ever see. It takes stamina and self-mastery and faith. It demands those things of you, then gives them back with a little extra, a surprise to keep you coming. It toughens you and clears your head. I could feel it happening. I was saving my life with every word I wrote, and I knew it.
In Pharaoh's Army
My approach to revision hasn't changed much over the years. I know there are writers who do it as they go along, but my method of attack has always been to plunge in and go as fast as I can, keeping the edge of my narrative blade as sharp as possible by constant use, and trying to outrun the novelist's most insidious enemy, which is doubt.
foreword, The Gunslinger
Getting out of bed of a morning has never been a problem, but I've noticed of late that my writing is better in the afternoon. The mornings are methodical, when all the blockwork and first-fix stuff takes place. The ornamentation or even de-ornamentation -- the things that separate writing from writing -- don't seem possible until later in the day, when I've established some perspective.
"Language is my enemy -- I spend my life battling with it", The Guardian, March 25, 2017
As we understand it, the surest way to make a living by the pen is to raise pigs.
Poems and Paragraphs
So nothing will ever be written down again. Perhaps the act of writing is necessary only when nothing happens.
The Face of Another
No reason at all why one should go on writing just for the sake of it. I think it is very important to stop when you haven't got anything to say.
The Paris Review, winter 2000
It is usual that the moment you write for publication--I mean one of course--one stiffens in exactly the same way one does when one is being photographed. The simplest way to overcome this is to write it to someone, like me. Write it as a letter aimed at one person. This removes the vague terror of addressing the large and faceless audience and it also, you will find, will give a sense of freedom and a lack of self-consciousness.
The Paris Review, fall 1975
I was aware that you weren't supposed to write about suburbia, that it was undignified in some way, the subject matter not momentous enough. And so, for a long time, that kept me from writing about it. But once I began, I realized it was just as interesting as anywhere else.
The Paris Review, winter 2011
After you have written a thing and you reread it, there is always the temptation to fix it up, to improve it, to remove its poison, blunt its sting.
The Paris Review, summer-fall, 1964
Writing a novel is like working on foreign policy. There are problems to be solved. It's not all inspirational.
The Paris Review, spring-summer 1978
Everything you look at can be turned into a story ... you can make a tale of everything you touch.
"The Elder Tree Mother"
As for the story, whether the poet takes it ready made or constructs it for himself, he should first sketch its general outline, and then fill in the episodes and amplify in detail.
Brevity is the sister of talent.
letter to A. P. Chekhov, April 11, 1889
A plain narrative of any remarkable fact, emphatically related, has a more striking effect without the author's comment.
Essays on Men and Manners
To write weekly, to write daily, to write shortly, to write for busy people catching trains in the morning or for tired people coming home in the evening, is a heartbreaking task for men who know good writing from bad. They do it, but instinctively draw out of harm's way anything precious that might be damaged by contact with the public, or anything sharp that might irritate its skin.
The Common Reader
I invariably have the illusion that the whole play of a story, its start and middle and finish, occur in my mind simultaneously--that I'm seeing it in one flash. But in the working-out, the writing-out, infinite surprises happen. Thank God, because the surprise, the twist, the phrase that comes at the right moment out of nowhere, is the unexpected dividend, that joyful little push that keeps a writer going.
The Paris Review, spring-summer 1957
The world is a hellish place, and bad writing is destroying the quality of our suffering. It cheapens and degrades the human experience, when it should inspire and elevate.
"Strange Innocence", Vanity Fair, July 2001
In the end, the writer is not even allowed to live in his writing.
Minima Moralia