quotations about writing

I want to be the apostle of self destruction. I want my book to affect man's reason, his emotions, his nerves, his whole animal nature. I should like my book to make people turn pale with horror as they read it, to affect them like a drug, like a terrifying dream, to drive them mad, to make them curse and hate me but still to read me.


diary, August 1, 1891

Tags: Leonid Andreyev

You become a serious novelist by living long enough.


Conversations with Don DeLillo

Tags: Don DeLillo

To the question of writing at all we have sometimes been counselled to forget it, or rather the writing of books. What is required, we are told, is plays and films. Books are out of date! The book is dead, long live television! One question which is not even raised let alone considered is: Who will write the drama and film scripts when the generation that can read and write has been used up?


Hopes and Impediments: Selected Essays

Even though language has its richness the relationship between language and the writer is always like a stone and you have to make the stone human.


Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1995

Tags: Carmen Boullosa

True ease in writing comes from art, not chance,
As those move easiest who have learn'd to dance.


An Essay on Criticism

Tags: Alexander Pope

The old, slow, creaking descriptions are a thing of the past; today the rule is brevity -- but every word must be supercharged, high-voltage.


A Soviet Heretic

Tags: Yevgeny Zamyatin

I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.


attributed, The Novel-Writing Plan

There are two kinds of characters in all fiction, the born and the synthetic. If the writer has to ask himself questions -- is he tall, is he short? -- he had better quit.


The New York Times, November 15, 1953

Go to any lengths to avoid preachiness! If you have to choose between the message and the story, always choose the story.


interview, The Fix

Tags: Elizabeth Zelvin

Writing can't be a way of life -- the important part of writing is living. You have to live in such a way that your writing emerges from it.


Doris Lessing: Conversations

Tags: Doris Lessing

There's no magic bullet for being a decent writer, or making people bond with your characters or fall in love with your story. Writing is a million different skills and challenges, and each story is different. But the more I struggle to make this work, the more I think there's one key thing that makes writing more excellent: Finding your own blind spots as an author, and trying to see into them.


"The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do To Make Your Writing More Awesome", Gizmodo, February 25, 2016

I don't actually talk about my books much, because I find if I talk about them I don't want to write them anymore. I write to find out what happens. You know how you read a book? That's what I'm doing except I'm just doing it a lot slower because it takes a lot longer to do.


"Music and Myth: A Conversation with Charles de Lint", The Internet Review of Science Fiction

Tags: Charles de Lint

The public takes from a writer, or a writing, what it needs and lets the remainder go. But what they take is usually what they need least and what they let go is what they need most.


Notes of a Dirty Old Man

Tags: Charles Bukowski

A writer never forgets the first time he accepted a few coins or a word of praise in exchange for a story. He will never forget the sweet poison of vanity in his blood and the belief that, if he succeeds in not letting anyone discover his lack of talent, the dream of literature will provide him with a roof over his head, a hot meal at the end of the day, and what he covets the most: his name printed on a miserable piece of paper that surely will outlive him. A writer is condemned to remember that moment, because from then on he is doomed and his soul has a price.


The Angel's Game

Tags: Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Get an agent. Seriously, submitting stuff unagented means it will end up on the slush pile. An agent is the first quality filter, and a good agent is worth his or her weight in gold, as they'll often know the editors on a personal level and will be able to talk to them directly about the project.


interview, The Horror Zine

Tags: Tim Lebbon

Why write it? I thought it would earn me money.


interview, Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 18, 2012

I think it's bad to talk about one's present work, for it spoils something at the root of the creative act. It discharges the tension.


attributed, The Writer's Quotation Book

Publishing is a terrible invasion of my privacy. I like to write. I live to write. But I write just for myself and my own pleasure.


attributed, Salinger: A Biography

As a writer -- it must be the same for actors -- you're used to dealing with the idea of death and all the big questions. Unless you're writing purely for five-year-olds, about bunnies, you're going to have to think about death. Your characters will die and people will live on afterwards who cared about them. You need to be able to empathise with them. Of course, we all go through it; we all have people close to us die. But as a writer you really have to think it through properly, or it'll all ring false. It's almost one of the perks of the trade that you're forced to think about that stuff fairly deeply. So maybe when it comes along in real life, you're slightly better prepared to deal with it.


"Iain Banks: The Final Interview", The Guardian, June 14, 2013

Every author has the whole past to contend with; all the centuries are upon him. He is compared with Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton.



Tags: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow