quotations about sex

The necessity of perpetuating the species, forms the combining principle between males and females; a principle independent of choice or design, and alike incident to animals and to plants, which are all naturally impelled to propagate their respective kinds.



Tags: Aristotle

The imagination of a eunuch dwells more and longer upon the material of love than that of man or woman ... supplying, so far as he can, by speculation, the place of pleasures he can no longer enjoy.


journal, April 4, 1831

Tags: John Quincy Adams

Sex makes you get real.


Playboy, July 1992

Tags: Pamela Anderson

The original sexual revolution was a tour de force, a huge success that came from what at first glance looks like a bad idea. Why bad? Because it risked losing valuable information. A successful bacterium, reproducing asexually, passes on its exact genetic makeup (absent the occasional mutation) to its offspring. But if an organism reproduces sexually, its genes are scrambled with those of its mate in order to produce the offspring's genes, a process called recombination. Because each half of this offspring's genes came from a different parent, and because of the scrambling process, no matter how successful either parent's unique combination of genes, the offspring's genome will not be the same as that parent's. Sexual reproduction has never passed on a full winning combination intact. Sex messes with success.


Programming the Universe

Tags: Seth Lloyd

As a person, therefore, would have no enjoyment of drinking, if he had not previously known thirst, so he who is unacquainted with the longings of love has no experience of the most ravishing pleasures.



Tags: Xenophon

It isn't premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married.


It's been a long day. I need one of those hugs that turns into sex.


We have inherited the term "sexual revolution" from those who first coined it in the 1960s, and in adopting their phrase we have perpetuated some of the confusions of that era. We continue to hear echoes of danger in the word "revolution." We continue to conflate very different impulses and outcomes. This received language to revolution has made it much more difficult for us to understand and discuss the roles and meanings of sex in contemporary America.


Sex in the Heartland

Tags: Beth Bailey

You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel


"The Bad Touch"

I have always found the most vociferous guardians of morality on matters of sex are those who aren't getting any.


Agatha Raisin and the Day the Floods Came

Nothing was happening in my marriage. I nicknamed our water bed Lake Placid.


attributed, The Mammoth Book of Comic Quotes

For married men, I think after a while they realize the morning's your best shot. You have a higher percentage in the morning. Well, there's a couple reasons. One--she can't say she's tired really. You know, but seriously. She's had eight hours sleep.... And also, in her mind, she's thinking I'm gonna shower anyway. But the best thing you have going for you is she can't really see you yet. She could squint you into Bruno Mars if she had to.


The Ellen Show

We settle for so-so sex because most of us don't know how sexual we could be; we know only how sexual we are. How sexual we are has been shaped by decades of indoctrination by ... family and friends, teachers, religious leaders, and romantic partners, not to mention a society that worships a bewildering fusion of childlike sexual innocence and cynical, nihilistic hedonism.... So what is normal? It all depends on what's normal for you.


Satisfaction: Women, Sex, and the Quest for Intimacy

Tags: Anita H. Clayton

Sex ... or lack thereof ... is at the center of everyone's identity, and once you've cracked someone's desires, you understand them in full.


Marie Claire, March 2008

Sex is God's joke on human beings.


attributed, Let's Talk about Sex: More Than 600 Quotes on the World's Oldest Obsession

Tags: Bette Davis

It's such a massive double edged sword. It makes no sense to me, and that's why I'm so outspoken about my sexuality. I think that women are entitled to sexual pleasure. I don't understand what is wrong with it. It's something that's good, and it makes you feel positive and happy and relieved. It's so funny because I watch these entertainment shows and they're talking about how Lindsay Lohan dates another man and she's a whore or whatever ... and a million other women. They lay into these girls because they're actually having a good time and being open about it. Then they do a report on George Clooney, who's a 'playboy' and looked up to by everybody and how sexy he is, and how he can date all these women and he'll never get married. It makes me want to vomit.


interview, May 17, 2007

Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.


attributed, The Quotable Intellectual: 1,417 Bon Mots, Ripostes, and Witticisms for Aspiring Academics, Armchair Philosophers ... And Anyone Else Who Wants to Sound Really Smart

"Sex" is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.


L'Histoire de Juliette

Tags: Marquis de Sade

Sex is all the enchantment required. Do men find women so enchanting once the sex is taken out? Does anyone find anyone that enchanting unless they have sexual business with them? Who else are you enchanted by? Nobody.


The Dying Animal

Tags: Philip Roth

I'll come and make love to you at five o'clock. If I'm late, start without me.


Tallulah, Darling

Tags: Tallulah Bankhead