quotations about women
The fickleness of the women I love is only equaled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me.
The Philanderer
Any but the most brutish of men must be touched with a certain awe or wonder at the baring of a woman's naked soul.
The Hour of the Dragon
The original oppression of Woman was based on crude denigration. She caused Man to fall, so she became a scapegoat. No, not a scapegoat which might be blameless but a culprit richly deserving of whatever suffering Man chose thereafter to heap on her. That is Woman in the Book of Genesis. Out here, our ancestors, without the benefit of hearing about the Old Testament, made the very same story differing only in local color. At first the Sky was very close to the Earth. But every evening Woman cut off a piece of the Sky to put in her soup pot, or in another version, she repeatedly banged the top end of her pestle carelessly against the Sky whenever she pounded millet or, as in yet another rendering -- so prodigious is Man's inventiveness, she wiped her kitchen hands in the Sky's face. Whatever the detail of Woman's provocation, the Sky moved away in anger, and God with it.
Anthills of the Savannah
People may talk about the equality of the sexes! They are not equal. The silent smile of a sensible, loving woman will vanquish ten men.
Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit
Don't tell me about God having made such creatures to be companions for us! I don't say but He might make Eve to be a companion for Adam in Paradise--there was no cooking to be spoilt there, and no other woman to cackle with and make mischief; though you see what mischief she did as soon as she'd an opportunity.
Adam Bede
Women age early, and their mistake is not knowing where to hide all the time that lies behind them so that no one sees it. What are they to do, devour it like the umbilical cords of their children? Hell and damnation!
These little women are very important, and those that appear to be the humblest, often assume great authority in their homes.
The Poetics of Space
If family and society tell you its unfeminine, not really womanly, to be aggressive, to speak up, to have strong opinions, to take up space, then women won't trust their own voice, because to be heard and to be influential, you've got to have a way to sing out with passion and love and self-trust--to sing out your song for everyone to hear.
"What's Possible: An Interview With Elizabeth Lesser", Omega, May 8, 2012
Women use lovers as they do cards; they play with them a while, and when they have got all they can by them, throw them away, call for new ones, and then perhaps lose by the new all they got by the old ones.
"Thoughts on Various Subjects"
A woman who can threaten your life before breakfast is the only sort of woman worth having.
Black Hills
If I have sometimes seemed to make fun of Woman, I assure you it has only been for the purpose of egging her on.
"The Duchess and the Bugs", Lanterns & Lances
Ay, Marry, sir -- the only rising up in arms is in the arms of a woman!
Blurt, Master Constable
Does the imagination dwell the most
Upon a woman won or woman lost?
"The Tower", The Tower
Man dreams of fame while woman wakes to love.
Idylls of the King
In Hollywood, the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally.
attributed, Great Hollywood Wit
The imaginative estimate or ideal conception of Woman by the Poets has always been deemed exceptionally interesting, especially by women themselves, for, as a rule, it is agreeable; and, even if the presentation be sometimes a little overcharged with glowing colour, all of us, men and women alike, are not otherwise than pleased with descriptions that portray us, not exactly as we are, but as we should like to be. Withal, a portrait, to obtain recognition, must have in it some resemblance to the original; and, speaking in the most prosaic manner, one need not hesitate to affirm that any representation of women, at least of womanly women, that was not attractive would be a travesty of the fact.
The Bridling of Pegasus
Grab a woman. Help the movement. Liberate a woman tonight. You'll get stale out here in the woods, living like a bear. Your balls will shrink, your tongue grow stiff and heavy. Your mind will wither away. Whatever became of William Gatlin? Went mad flogging his bloody duff.
The Serpents of Paradise
A campaign is using a new hashtag called #WomenNotObjects to promote the need to stop objectifying women when it comes to advertising products and companies. The YouTube post, "We Are #WomenNotObjects" has received approximately 1,075,821 views and demonstrates to its viewers that you can find many advertisements that objectify women just by googling it.
"Women are not objects for your brand", Talon Marks, February 9, 2016
Men look at women the way men look at cars. Everyone looks at Ferraris. Now and then we like a pickup truck, and we all end up with station wagons.
Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man
If you're a woman, it's almost impossible to establish a relationship. You're too much for everybody. It's too much. The woman always has to play this role of being fragile and dependent. And if you're not, they're fascinated by you, but only for a little while. And then they want to change you and crush you. And then they leave.
The Guardian, May 12, 2014