quotations about health
Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.
The Transcendent Function
Health! thou most august of the blessed goddesses, with thee may I spend the remainder of my life, mayest thou benignly dwell with me; for if there be any pleasure to be derived from riches, or if there be any other delight bestowed on men, or respite from pains, with thee, blessed health, all these flourish and beam effulgent like the spring arising from the graces; without thee no one is happy.
attributed, Day's Collacon
Men that look no farther than their outside, think health an appurtenance unto life, and quarrel with their constitutions for being sick; but I, that have examined the parts of man, and know upon what tender filaments that fabric hangs, do wonder that we are not always so; and considering the thousand doors that lead to death, do thank my God that we can die but once.
attributed, Day's Collacon
Were a young man to write down a list of his duties, health should be among the first items in the catalogue; this is no exaggeration of its value, for health is indispensable to almost every form of human enjoyment.
A Few Thoughts for a Young Man