quotations about God

God: a disease we imagine we are cured of because no one dies of it nowadays.


The Trouble with Being Born

Within you lies embedded in the marble of your human life the Spirit that is God, hidden beneath the flesh, hidden beneath the bodies, the emotions and the mind, so that it is not visible to the outer eyes. You have not to create that image. It is there. You have not to manufacture it; you have only to set it free.


There Is No Death

Tags: Annie Besant

No god save self, that is the way to live ...



The Divinity is so great, and of such a character, that He both sees and hears all things, is omnipotent, and attends to all things at once.


attributed, Day's Collacon

God is a foreman with certain definite views
Who orders life in shifts of work and leisure.



Tags: Seamus Heaney

I read somewhere that some people believe that the entire universe is a matrix of living thought. And I said, "Man, if that's not a definition of God, I don't know what is."


Esquire, Mar. 2007

The universe is just as great and amazing inside of me as outside. Immanuel Kant marveled when he looked into his own heart, as when he looked up at the sky. So the stars over me are no less sublime than my soul which mirrors them; thunder and lightning among the clouds are matched by storms of passion within me as terrible as they; my memory is a greater thing than the British Museum, for it is a living museum; my will is greater than gravitation or electricity or gunpowder, for it can use them, and they cannot budge; my imagination is more wondrous than the Vatican gallery, for its pictures come and go with instant swiftness, and my conscience is as mysterious and as majestic as the substance of God Himself.


"The Part of Me That Doubts", Four Minute Essays

Tags: Frank Crane

In reality, each thought we have carries with it a little spiritual power, a tug toward or away from God. No thought is purely neutral.


God Is Closer Than You Think

Tags: John Ortberg

It's easy being a god. If you have the right equipment.



Each man enters into God so much as God enters into him.


Journal Intime

Tags: Henri-Frederic Amiel

Our notions of God are tinged by our own characters and ignorance.


Keystones of Thought

The important thing, I think, is not to be bitter. You know, if it turns out that there is a God, I don't think that he's evil. I think that the worst you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever.


Love and Death

God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in his arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos; He will set them above their betters.


Minority Report

Tags: H. L. Mencken

God's merits are so transcendent that it is not surprising his faults should be in reasonable proportion.



These are thy glorious works Parent of Good,
Almighty, thine this universal Frame,
Thus wondrous fair; thy self how wondrous then!
Unspeakable, who sitst above these Heavens
To us invisible or dimly seen
In these thy lowest works, yet these declare
Thy goodness beyond thought, and Power Divine:
Speak ye who best can tell, ye Sons of light,
Angels, for ye behold him, and with songs
And choral symphonies, Day without Night,
Circle his Throne rejoicing, ye in Heav'n,
On Earth join all ye Creatures to extoll
Him first, him last, him midst, and without end.


Paradise Lost

Nothing more shows the low condition Man is fallen into, than the unsuitable notion we must have of God, by the ways we take to please him.


Some Fruits of Solitude

Tags: William Penn

Nor does God whisper through the trees. His voice is not mistaken. When men hear it they fall to their knees and their souls are riven and they cry out to Him and there is no fear in them but only that wildness of heart that springs from such longing and they cry out to stay his presence for they know at once that while godless men may live well enough in their exile those to whom He has spoken can contemplate no life without Him but only darkness and despair. Trees and stones are no part of it.


The Crossing

The highest praise of God consists in the denial of him by the athiest who finds creation so perfect that it can dispense with a creator.


The Guermantes Way

It isn't so much that God is the unified state of consciousness that each of us came from and will return to, but more so that God is the creative energy flowing between all states of consciousness. God is in the land beyond the mountains, but God is also in the mountains and in the valley of illusions cradled within the mountains. God is not one thing or another, rather God flows between and through all things.


The Seeker's Guide: Making Your Life a Spiritual Adventure

It is beyond my power to induce in you a belief in God. There are certain things which are self proved and certain which are not proved at all. The existence of God is like a geometrical axiom. It may be beyond our heart grasp. I shall not talk of an intellectual grasp. Intellectual attempts are more or less failures, as a rational explanation cannot give you the faith in a living God. For it is a thing beyond the grasp of reason. It transcends reason. There are numerous phenomena from which you can reason out the existence of God, but I shall not insult your intelligence by offering you a rational explanation of that type. I would have you brush aside all rational explanations and begin with a simple childlike faith in God. If I exist, God exists. With me it is a necessity of my being.


Young India, Sep. 24, 1931